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Digital Brands

The technology is immersed in our lives a little more than 60 years, we live with it daily and without realizing we have lived its exponential evolution in our society, and today, the digital environments are a new channel from which we can communicate messages quickly and effectively.

The brands and the universe that conforms them has been characterized by adapting to the continuous technological changes, the first advertising spot in the United States, – advertising influence-date of the year 1941, a 10-second advertisement that would mark the beginning of a technological trend with the objective of being part of a new communication channel of massive diffusion. Today, with the development of new and immensely advanced technology, we are seeing the same messages that are being migrated to new entertainment platforms such as Netflix or any development that allows access to the same service that has been available for more than 60 years. The change is inevitable, the question is How do you want to live it?

Brandcelona digital is our technological development area for brands; from our laboratory of innovation and strategic leadership, we look for the way of creating strategic bridges between two hemispheres of communication. Our strategic perspective is clear, the analog or offline world, together with the digital or online world that is not a competition and one does not overlap the other, on the contrary, they become two halves that complement each other to generate new experiences that are adapted to the new vision of the market. We do not understand digital development only by designing web pages, in brandcelona digital, we design, think and manage digital experiences in coherent communication channels that are bound to the strategic development of a brand, and therefore, do not understand or limit digital resources as a tool only to use in a computer, but for us the digital world is a new scenery that allows us to communicate messages in a more interactive and dynamic ways, offering the possibility of granting movement, speed, efficiency and innovation to each concept that we want to expose differently in a site or channel.

The impersonality that transmits the digital environment is not inevitable, it is simply optional and it is the duty of each brand to break this barrier to understand the digital transformation.


By Cristian Angel

Head of Innovation at brandcelona & brandrid Business Strategic Consultancy

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